For pt.III, see abstr. A46187 of 1973. The authors solve the problem of a doublet excited state under the influence of an arbitrarily strong RF field and optically pumped by a transverse beam. The solution is obtained as a continued fraction, which is easily evaluated on a computer. Haroche's resonances at even multiples of the radio frequency are investigated and their Bloch-Siegert shifts are determined. The lines are less power broadened than the multi-photon resonances earlier investigated, and they are hence more exactly measurable. In the perturbation limit the authors regain results derived by Haroche and Cohen-Tannoudji from a quantum theory. Detection at either the DC component or any of the oscillating components is discussed. For the Hanle effect the authors find a generalization of the Cohen-Tannoudji dressed g-factor. The experimental results for a rotating RF field are discussed, and experiments using a linearly oscillating field performed by Tsukada, Yabuzaki and Ogawa are compared with the theory. Good agreement is found.