Interconnected V2O5 Nanoporous Network for High-Performance Supercapacitors

Vanadium pentoxide (V2O5) has attracted attention for supercapcitor applications because of its extensive multifunctional properties. In the present study, V2O5 nanoporous network was synthesized via simple capping-agent-assisted precipitation technique and it is further annealed at different temperatures. The effect of annealing temperature on the morphology, electrochemical and structural properties, and stability upon oxidation–reduction cycling has been analyzed for supercapacitor application. We achieved highest specific capacitance of 316 F g–1 for interconnected V2O5 nanoporous network. This interconnected nanoporous network creates facile nanochannels for ion diffusion and facilitates the easy accessibility of ions. Moreover, after six hundred consecutive cycling processes the specific capacitance has changed only by 24%. A simple cost-effective preparation technique of V2O5 nanoporous network with excellent capacitive behavior, energy density, and stability encourages its possible commercial exploitation for the development of high-performance supercapacitors.