Hohenberg-Kohn kernel K(r-r’)

In a classic paper Hohenberg and Kohn wrote the energy of an electron gas as a functional of the charge density n(r): E[n]= F v(r)n(r)dr+(1/2 F [n(r)n(r’)/‖r-r’‖]dr dr’+G[n]. For a gas of almost constant density, n(r)=n0+ñ(r) with ñ(r)/n0≪1 they expanded G[n]=G[n0]+ F K(r-r’)ñ(r)ñ(r’)dr dr’+.... The kernel K(r) may be written as a sum of kinetic, exchange, and correlation terms, K(r)=Ks(r)+Kx(r)+Kc(r). We present here graphs of Ks(r) and Kx(r) which are exact to within our numerical accuracy.