A Statistical Model Analysis of (p,α)-Reactions on 26Mg, 37Cl and 45Sc

The reactions 26Mg (p, α)23Na, 37Cl(p, α)34S, and 45Sc (p, α) 42Ca have been studied. Excitation functions and angular distributions were measured for proton energies 9 to 13.26 MeV, 11 to 11.952 MeV, and 8.5 to 9.412 MeV in steps of 20 keV, 8 keV, and 6 keV, and the transitions into 4, 3, and 5 final states have been resolved, respectively. All the excitation functions exhibit strong fluctuations and were analysed in terms of the various correlation functions, from which the mean level width Γ, the normalised variance, and the amount of direct interaction contribution was derived. Statistical model calculations have been used to fit the averaged angular distributions and an attempt was made to estimate the J-dependence of the mean level width Γ in the compound nuclei excited at about 20 MeV.