Nutritional Assessment Reflects Muscle Energy Metabolism in Gastric Carcinoma

Preoperative nutritional status and muscle energy metabolism were studied in 26 patients with gastric carcinoma. Fat stores were reduced in 30% and visceral proteins in 25% to 90% of the patients. According to the nutritional assessment, the patients were divided into wellnourished (group I, n = 8) with no or minor signs of malnutrition and malnourished (group II, n = 13) with signs of pronounced malnutrition. Group I had normal content of muscle energy metabolites despite their malignant disease. In group II, adenine nucleotides (p > 0.001), phosphorylcreatine (p > 0.01), creatine (p > 0.05) and also glycogen (p > 0.01) were markedly decreased. Weight loss, albumin, and flbronectin levels correlated significantly with adenosine-triphosphate, total adenine nucleotides, and glycogen levels. The most malnourished patients also had the poorest energy metabolite status in the muscle. These findings revive the interest in nutritional assessment.