The kinetic theory of gases and liquids is discussed in terms of the phase-space density f(rpt) and its autocorrelation function. Associated with the latter is the memory function Σ(c)(kz) troduced in an earlier paper. Here, we analyze those properties of Σ(c), for a classical system of structureless interacting particles, which can be obtained without approximation. Apart from symmetry- and stability-related properties, and those that express the conservation laws, we give microscopic derivations of (i) a new sum rule for Σ(c)(kz) which involves only the static-pair-correlation function and (ii) two new relations between Σ(c) and thermodynamic derivatives, namely the specific heat cv and the pressure derivative (pT)n. These exact relations, if fulfilled by an approximate model for Σ(c), guarantee that the approach to equilibrium is described in a thermodynamically and dynamically consistent manner. It is also shown how, for such a model, the transport coefficients are obtained.