Inhaled Nitric Oxide in Full-Term and Nearly Full-Term Infants with Hypoxic Respiratory Failure (Original Article, N Engl J Med 1997:336;597-604). On page 602, the last paragraph in the right-hand column should have read, “There were no significant differences between the groups after randomization in the overall incidence or severity of intracranial hemorrhage (total number, 19 in the control group and 18 in the nitric oxide group; grade IV, 8 and 7, respectively). There were also no significant differences between the control group and the nitric oxide group in the occurrence of periventricular leukomalacia (3 vs. 6), brain infarction (7 vs. 7), seizures requiring anticonvulsive therapy (24 vs. 16), and either pulmonary (6 vs. 4) or gastrointestinal (1 vs. 1) hemorrhage.”