Helical CT of Urinary Calculi

OBJECTIVE. Helical CT has become the preferred methodology for identifying urinary calculi. However, the ability to predict stone composition, which influences patient treatment, depends on the accurate measurement of the radiographic attenuation of stones. We studied the effects of stone composition, stone size, and scan collimation width on the measurement of attenuation in vitro.MATERIALS AND METHODS. One hundred twenty-seven human urinary calculi of known composition and size were scanned at 120 kVp, 240 mA, and a 1:1 pitch at different collimations. A model, based on the physics of helical CT, was used to predict the effect of scan collimation width and stone size on measured attenuation.RESULTS. At a 1-mm collimation, stone groups could be differentiated by attenuation: the attenuation of uric acid was less than that of cystine or struvite, which overlapped; these were less than the attenuation of calcium oxalate monohydrate, which was in turn lower than that of brushite and hydroxyapatite, which ov...