Severe Prolonged Cerebral Hypoxic Episode with Complete Recovery

SEVERE prolonged hypoxia due to respiratory tract obstruction is rarely followed by complete recovery. The management is often one of desperation with little likelihood of return of central nervous system function. Thus, when intensive therapy is successful it is significant to report the history and clinical course of the patient, with an evaluation of the therapy and management, in that it may be of some aid to our fellow physicians. Report of a Case The patient was a 2 1/2-year-old white male child who developed acute, severe laryngotracheal bronchitis. He had been normal and healthy since birth, was well nourished, and weighed 15.5 kg. (about 34 lb.). The onset of the disease occurred as the boy awakened with a cold one winter morning. Symptoms progressed rapidly with stridor, substernal retractions, and occasional unsuccessful attempts to cough. Although he was afebrile at the time, he was panicky and restless because of