Magnetic resonances in a-TbFe2, a-GdFe2 and a-YFe2

The resonance microwave absorption in amorphous rare‐earth‐iron compounds (e.g., TbFe2, GdFe2 and YFe2) has been investigated at several frequencies and temperatures. The resonances showing a four‐line (S1 through S4) spectra, though somewhat similar in all three systems, have many puzzling features. The strong resonances (S1) represents the usual q?0 mode⋅maintained by thermally activated magnon hopping among clusters whose local magnetization is close to the saturation magnetization, Ms. The S4‐line, however, appears to have much weaker magnetization, and has been assigned to localized magnon mode. A preliminary discussion of the data is presented in terms of a spin‐cluster model.