The synthesis and properties of fully modified 4′-thioDNAs, oligonucleotides consisting of 2′-deoxy-4′-thionucleosides, were examined. In addition to the known literature properties (preferable hybridization with RNA and resistance to endonuclease hydrolysis), we also observed higher resistance of 4′-thioDNA to 3′-exonuclease cleavage. Furthermore, we found that fully modified 4′-thioDNAs behaved like RNA molecules in their hybridization properties and structural aspect, at least in the case of the 4′-thioDNA duplex. This observation was confirmed by experiments using groove binders, in which a 4′-thioDNA duplex interacts with an RNA major groove binder, lividomycin A, but not with DNA groove binders, to give an increase in its thermal stability. Since a 4′-thioDNA duplex competitively inhibited the hydrolysis of an RNA duplex by RNase V1, it was not only the physical properties but also this biological data suggested that a 4′-thioDNA duplex has an RNA-like structure.