A description of data in the triple-Regge region up to CERN ISR energies is proposed. The description utilizes a very large PPP (triple-Pomeron) coupling gP and assumes that the "bare" or "unrenormalized" Pomeron controls the region near x=1. The "bare" Pomeron intercept is α^0=0.85. One secondary term is employed to extend the description to x=0.7. This term is chosen to be of the form ππP. We use a modified ABFST (Amati-Bertocchi-Fubini-Stanghellini-Tonin) model to roughly constrain gP and α^0. The number of unconstrained parameters otherwise is one. Other phenomenological applications utilizing the bare Pomeron as the definition of diffraction at intermediate energies are discussed, and the total cross section with and without diffraction is discussed in the context of the ABFST model.