Tsutsugamushi Disease (Scrub or Mite-Borne Typhus) in the Philippine Islands during American Reoccupation in 1944-45. II. Observations on Trombiculid Mites

Trombicula akamushi, T. deliensis, T. acuscutellaris and T. bodensis were taken off field rats in various of the Philippine Is. during mite surveys in connection with occurrence of scrub typhus in American troops. Other rat-infesting spp. collected were Ascoschongastia indica, A. philippensis and A. kohlsi, and Heaslipia gateri. Comment is made upon the variation in the akamushi-deliensis complex as found in certain areas which complicates systematic assignment. T. wichmanni was taken on man in northern Luzon, and is considered by habits and wide distr. in the Archipelago to be a potential incidental vector of scrub typhus. T. scincoides and an undescr. sp. near rara were taken off lizards and skinks on Mindoro and Samar. Anti-mite measures during certain military operations are briefly reviewed.