Factor B (BF) Allotypes and Multiple Sclerosis in North-East England

A significant decrease in the frequency of BF*F allele and an increase of BF*F1 allele was found in 101 clinically definite multiple sclerosis patients compared to 270 normal controls from North-East England. In Dw2 types 41 patients and 60 controls, only the rare allele BF*F1 showed a significant increase in the patients group. For the common BF*S allele a significant increase was found in Dw2+ patients compared to the Dw2- patients, but a slight similar increase observed in Dw2+ controls did not attain significance. This increase in the patient group is attributed to a strong linkage disequilibrium between BF*S and Dw2 alleles. No such linkage disequilibrium exists in the normal controls. There is a suggestion that the BF*S and Dw2+ alleles are more prevalent in chronic progressive patients, implying that in Dw2+ patients BF may influence the progression of the disease.