Elastic Scattering and Capture of Protons byC14

The reaction C14(p, p) has been investigated over the energy range from 340 to 690 kev. No wide anomalies are found, but a narrow anomaly at 527 kev has been attributed to d-wave protons forming a state of spin 32+. The reaction C14(p, γ), investigated over the range from 250 to 690 kev, shows a resonance at 261 kev in addition to the three previously known resonances at 351, 527, and 634 kev. Proton and radiative widths are obtained for all these resonances, and limits are placed on the spin assignments. From the data obtained, it is clear that the levels corresponding to the resonances at proton energies of 261, 351, and 527 kev cannot contribute significantly to the scattering or capture of low-energy neutrons by N14. In addition, the level corresponding to the 634-kev resonance cannot be responsible for the whole of the N14+n cross section at low energies, but it may be responsible for part of this cross section. It is suggested that the level at 9.84 Mev is responsible for the remainder of this cross section. A good fit to the neutron elastic scattering cross section is obtained over the neutron energy range from 0 to 600 kev.