Finite-Size and Surface Effects in Heisenberg Films

High-temperature expansions for the zero-field susceptibility and specific heat to seventh order in K=JkBT are reported for ferromagnetic Heisenberg-model simple-cubic-lattice "films" of n=1, 2, , 6 layers. Extrapolation of the series yields reliable estimates of the susceptibility χ (and of the specific heats) down to temperatures at which Tχ30(Tχ)T=. Firm conclusions about possible two-dimensional critical behavior cannot be reached, although the data are consistent with an exponent γ2=3.0±0.5. The shifts of the apparent critical temperature Tc(n) from the d=3 bulk value can be described by a power law nλ with λ1.1±0.2. The surface susceptibility in the bulk limit diverges with an exponent γx=2.18±0.02 which appears to exceed the scaling prediction γx=γ3+ν32.08; this could indicate the existence of a surface correlation length ξx(T) with exponent νx>ν3.