Successful Treatment of Pseudomonas Peritonitis during Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis

Successful eradication of Pseudomonas peritonitis is described in 12 (57%) of 21 cases from a large continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) program at a tertiary care center. In successful cases, cure was achieved within 17 days using therapy which included aminoglycoside started routinely at the onset of symptoms and an antipseudomonal penicillin or cephalosporin derivative added as soon as pseudomonas infection was identified on culture. Of the 9 treatment failures which required catheter removal, 2 had failure of peritoneal drainage, 4 had infection with multiple and/or drug-resistant Pseudomonas strains, and 3 had persistent catheter tunnel infection which resulted in recurrent Pseudomonas peritonitis. Factors such as diabetes mellitus and pediatric age group did not prevent successful medical therapy. Predisposing factors favoring development of Pseudomonas peritonitis included technical failures and in a few cases recent antibiotic therapy. We conclude that Pseudomonas peritonitis complicating CAPD can be successfully cured without catheter removal or discontinuation of CAPD in many cases, particularly when complicating factors are not present.