Physical and kinetic properties of β-glucosidase in Gaucher disease

Membrane-bound ‘acid’ β-glucosidase of human spleen was solubilized with either sodium cholate or ‘Cutscum’. The solubilized enzyme in type 1 (adult) Gaucher disease was less heat-stable than the normal enzyme, and when precipitated by ammonium sulphate it had a higher apparent molecular weight than the corresponding normal enzyme. The normal β-glucosidase was activated by taurocholate, whereas the Gaucher enzyme was inhibited. The decrease in ‘acid’ β-glucosidase activity in Gaucher disease was associated with a profound deficiency of that form of the enzyme which bound to Concanavalin A. The results are consistent with faulty processing of newly synthesized ‘acid’ β-glucosidase in type 1 Gaucher disease.