Inclusive Reactions and Dual-Resonance Models

The theoretical and phenomenological advantages of looking at inclusive-type reactions in dual-resonance models are discussed. The case of single-particle distributions is considered in some detail, and part of the contributions explicitly evaluated. We find that such contributions exhibit "scaling" behavior of the type observed long ago by Amati, Fubini, and Stanghellini in the multiperipheral model and which was reproposed in more precise terms recently by Feynman and by Benecke, Chou, Yang, and Yen. The explicit form of the limiting distribution is given. A similar behavior is found in the case of the multiparticle distribution. The need of manageable techniques for computing high-energy limits of dual loop discontinuities is stressed. We finally comment on the possible relevance of our results on deriving bootstrap-type conditions from duality and in providing a way to understand the connection between the dual-resonance model and other models of current interest.