Observation of asymmetry in inclusive proton production by 6-GeV/cpolarized protons

Left-right asymmetries of fast forward protons produced in the inclusive reaction pppX have been measured using a 6-GeV/c polarized proton beam and the Argonne Effective Mass Spectrometer. The experiment covers the kinematic range pT20.72 GeV2 and MX2.6 GeV with 1.6 × 105 inelastic events. The average asymmetry is 0.047 ± 0.010, with the same sign as the asymmetry in proton-proton elastic scattering and roughly half the magnitude. In order to facilitate comparison with future high-energy data in the triple-Regge region, finite-mass-sum-rule integrals are used to average over the low-MX data of this experiment.