The superior olivary complex in C57BL/6 mice

The cellular and cytoarchitectural features of the lateral superior olive, the medial superior olive, the superior paraolivary nucleus and the medial, lateral and ventral nuclei of the trapezoid body are described in C57BL/6 mice using Nissl, Bodian and Golgi techniques. Principal, spindle and marginal cells are present in a well-defined lateral superior olive. The dendrites of these cells run primarily within rostrocaudal sheets as in the cat. The principal cells of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body are similar to the principal cells in the cat. Large multipolar cells characterize the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body and bipolar cells with a medial-lateral orientation are found in the medial superior olive. The largest neurons are found in the superior paraolivary nucleus and the lateral superior olive, and the medial and ventral nuclei of the trapezoid body. While brain weight and neuronal packing density change with development, the characteristic location of cell groups and the shape and Nissl-staining pattern of neurons in the youngest brains examined were essentially unchanged in the adult mice, although dendritic maturation had occurred. The homologies of the C57BL/6 superior olivary complex nuclei with the same areas described in other mouse strains, rat and cat are discussed. This study expands our understanding of the organization of the superior olivary complex in an inbred strain of Mus musculus and relates it to other species. The data about changes occurring during postnatal maturation may aid in the interpretation of behavioral and physiological studies of neonatal plasticity of the auditory system.