Use of the Leukocyte Migration Inhibition Assay To Evaluate Antigenic Differences in Human Breast Cancers and Melanomas

The leukocyte migration inhibition assay was used to compare the antigenic reactivity of 3 m KCI extracts of human tumors. Many extracts demonstrated strong reactivity with patient leukocytes, whereas others demonstrated weak or no reactivity. Extracts prepared from primary tumors or local recurrent tumors were more antigenic than extracts from involved lymph nodes or pleural effusions. The least reactive preparations were extracts made from specimens of liver metastases obtained at autopsy. A large standard extract tested at a standard concentration was useful for the evaluation of antigenic reactivity of human tumor extracts. It served as a point of reference in simultaneous tests with one blood sample from each individual, thus eliminating the influence of patient variation on extract reactivity.