The Absorption of theKαLine of Carbon in Various Gases and its Dependence upon Atomic Number

A description is given of the apparatus and methods used in a photographic investigation of absorption coefficients for the Kα line of the carbon (λ=44.6A) in different gases and in gold leaf. The mass absorption coefficients, μρ, found were as follows: He, 3600: CO2, 4780: N2, 3850: O2, 5765: Ne, 13100: A, 45700: Kr, 31800: Xe, 6740: Au, 12500. Some of the atomic absorption coefficients (μa) derived from these values on the assumption that the absorption is independent of chemical combination are as follows: C, 0.44×1019: N, 0.89×1019: O, 1.52×1019: Ne, 4.36×1019: The wave-length of the Kα line of carbon lies between the K and LI absorption limits of these elements. The values of logμa when plotted against logZ fall upon a straight line whose slope is 4.4. Hence in this wave-length region this should be the value of p in the equation τa=CλnZp, provided that λK<λ<λL. The results of extrapolating current x-ray formulas to this wave-length are given and the values of μa so obtained are, in general, considerably too large. Since the exponent of Z in the above equation is found experimentally to be as large or larger than in the case of ordinary x-rays it appears that the proper exponent of λ may be considerably less than 3.