Isotope Shift in the Spectrum of Erbium I

Using enriched samples, the isotope shift in seven lines of the arc spectrum of erbium was measured with a Fabry-Perot interferometer. The average relative isotope shift for the even isotopic pairs Δν(170168):Δν(168166):Δν(166164):Δν(164162) was found to be 1.00:096±0.02:0.94±0.03:1.23±0.04, showing a large change in nuclear deformation between the isotopes with neutron numbers 96 and 94. This results in a predicted intrinsic quadrupole moment for Er162 of 6.30±0.30 b. No pronounced even-odd staggering was observed for the odd isotope Er167, since the average value for Δν(168166):Δν(168167cg) was found to be 1.00:0.52±0.03.

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