Dynamic modes of the flipped-out cytosine during HhaI methyltransferase-DNA interactions in solution

Flipping of a nucleotide out of a B‐DNA helix into the active site of an enzyme has been observed for the HhaI and HaeIII cytosine‐5 methyltransferases (M.HhaI and M.HaeIII) and for numerous DNA repair enzymes. Here we studied the base flipping motions in the binary M.HhaI–DNA and the ternary M.HhaI–DNA–cofactor systems in solution. Two 5‐fluorocytosines were introduced into the DNA in the places of the target cytosine and, as an internal control, a cytosine positioned two nucleotides upstream of the recognition sequence 5′‐GCGC‐3′. The 19F NMR spectra combined with gel mobility data show that interaction with the enzyme induces partition of the target base among three states, i.e. stacked in the B‐DNA, an ensemble of flipped‐out forms and the flipped‐out form locked in the enzyme active site. Addition of the cofactor analogue S–adenosyl‐l‐homocysteine greatly enhances the trapping of the target cytosine in the catalytic site. Distinct dynamic modes of the target cytosine have thus been identified along the reaction pathway, which includes novel base‐flipping intermediates that were not observed in previous X‐ray structures. The new data indicate that flipping of the target base out of the DNA helix is not dependent on binding of the cytosine in the catalytic pocket of M.HhaI, and suggest an active role of the enzyme in the opening of the DNA duplex.