The pseudospectral (or Fourier) method has been used recently by several investigators for forward seismic modeling. The method is introduced here in two different ways: as a limit of finite differences of increasing orders, and by trigonometric interpolation. An argument based on spectral analysis of a model equation shows that the pseudospectral method (for the accuracies and integration times typical of forward elastic seismic modeling) may require, in each space dimension, as little as a quarter the number of grid points compared to a fourth‐order finite‐difference scheme and one‐sixteenth the number of points as a second‐order finite‐difference scheme. For the total number of points in two dimensions, these factors become 1/16 and 1/256, respectively; in three dimensions, they become 1/64 and 1/4 096, respectively. In a series of test calculations on the two‐dimensional elastic wave equation, only minor degradations are found in cases with variable coefficients and discontinuous interfaces.