An Open Geographic Modeling Environment

Developing the complex computer models that are necessary for effectively managing human affairs through the next century requires new infrastructure supporting high performance collaborative modeling. In this paper we describe our Open Geographic Modeling Environment, which supports: (1) modular, hierarchical model construction and archiving/linking of simulation modules, (2) graphical, icon-based model construction, (3) transparent distributed computing, and (4) integrating multiple space-time representations. This environment, which transparently links icon-based modeling environments with advanced computing resources, allows users to develop models in a user-friendly, graphical environment, requiring very little knowledge of computers or computer programming. The modeling environment imposes the constraints of modularity and hierarchy in program design, and supports archiving of reusable modules in our Modular Modeling Language (MML). An associated library of "module wrappers" will facilitate the incorporation of legacy simulation models into the environment.