Spin fluctuations in a random one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet:(CD3)4NMncCu1−cCl3

In this paper we report a detailed neutron scattering study of the spin fluctuations in the random one-dimensional Heisenberg antiferromagnet (CD3)4NMncCu1cCl3 with c=0.93 and c=0.85. In this material the Mn-Cu exchange is only about 4% of the Mn-Mn exchange so that this system corresponds to a "weak-link" impure chain. For temperatures such that kBT>JMnCu percolationlike behavior is observed, while for kBT<JMnCu "weak-link" behavior obtains. The instantaneous magnetic correlations are found to be in good quantitative accord with the exact results for the random classical Heisenberg model. We also discuss briefly the spin-wave excitations at large q's and the spin dynamics for qκ, the inverse correlation length.