In evaluations of clover performances on summer-dry Himatangi sandy soil, it was found that none could match lucerne over summer. Emphasis was therefore placed on production in autumn-winter- early spring when lucerne growth was slow. Evaluations of some winter annual clover species suggested that Trifolium spumosum, T. pallidum, T. resupinatum, and T. vesiculosum would justify further investigation, along with T. subterraneum which is already used in pastures on this soil type. Among the perennial clover species, Kenya white clover (7'. semipilosum) showed outstanding recovery from drought and was the only species to produce significantly in autumn. However, it failed to grow in winter-early spring. Within red clover, materials of New Zealand x Moroccan origin substantially outproduced the commercial cultivars. Within white clover, material from Israel, Italy and Lebanon, as well as progeny of a selected New Zealand plant, showed more rapid recovery from drought stress and subsequently better winter growth than New Zealand commercial material ('Grasslands Huia'). The wider use of plant material of Mediterranean origin and of plants collected in New Zealand dryland pastures is advocated in development of clover cultivars for New Zealand dryland situations.