Correction of neutropenia associated with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia following treatment with granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor

A patient with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) and severe persisting neutropenia due to marrow infiltration of his leukaemia, developed bilateralLegionella pneumophila pneumonia for which he was treated with erythromycin, rifampin and ciprofloxacin. To increase the number of circulating polymorphonuclear neutrophils, the patient was treated with recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GMCSF) at a dose of 2μg protein/kg bodyweight s.c/12 h. GM-CSF therapy resulted in a sustained rise of the neutrophil count from the fifth day of treatment onwards, without showing an effect on the number of circulating leukemic cells. The patient completely recovered from his pneumonia. It is suggested that the rise of the neutrophil count, due to GM-CSF, contributed to the improvement of the infection of this patient. Our observation illustrates that GM-CSF can be given safely to CLL-patients and that it can be used effectively in CLL patients with severe bacterial infections to restore neutropenia.