PERCUTANEOUS transhepatic cholangiography is a safe and effective method for diagnosing the cause of jaundice.3,4 A careful history, a complete physical examination, and liver function studies may not yield an exact diagnosis. Liver biopsy may be of further aid but with a certain group of patients the clinician may still be puzzled. To operate on a patient with hepatitis may be as disastrous as to deny another patient with a common duct stone early surgery. Percutaneous transhepatic cholangiography offers a new way to solve this common dilemma. It can usually establish not only the presence or absence of extrahepatic obstruction, but will generally demonstrate the site of obstruction and define the probable cause. The purpose of this paper is to describe our technique of percutaneous cholangiography, to present a series of representative roentgenograms (Fig 2-7), and to report our results. Technique The patient is premedicated and placed supine on