Interaction between longitudinal and circular muscle in intestine of cat

Slow waves recorded from isolated longitudinal muscle averaged 13 mV and had slow rate of rice (0.04 V/s), but when recorded from intact segments the amplitude averaged 27 mV and the rate of rise was more rapid (0.09 V/s), often with a notch between the initial peak and the plateau. Membrane potentials of longitudinal muscle were similar in isolated and intact preparations (-66 mV). Resting potentials of circular muscle averaged -67 mV. Small bundles of circular muscle tested in the double sucrose gap produced activity, either spontaneously or in response to stimulation, which fell into three categories: fast spikes (50-200 ms duration), slow spikes (1-5 s duration) and small graded responses. The duration of fast spikes could be increased severalfold by the addition of TEA [triethylamine]; the graded responses were converted to full-sized spikes by TEA. Treatment of circular muscle with Ca-free Krebs solution eliminated spikes, and in intact preparations reduced the amplitude and rate of rise of slow waves and eliminated the notch on slow waves. Current-voltage curves of longitudinal muscle show delayed rectification in the depolarizing quadrant; similar curves of circular muscle show anomalous rectification, i.e., a region where a very small current causes a large voltage change. Non-polarized electrotonic coupling between longitudinal and circular layers indicates low-resistance pathways. Apparent space constants of longitudinal muscle are greater when attached to circular muscle than when isolated. Small slow potentials apparently originate rhythmically in longitudinal muscle. These spread passively to circular muscle where a regenerative amplification spread back to the longitudinal layer. In the intact intestine pacemaking is separate from propagation and the circular muscle provides the bulk of depolarizing current for propagation.