Polarized light scattering investigation ofUBe13

The results of a Raman scattering study of single-crystal UBe13 are presented and discussed. These results are compared with spectra from the isostructural compounds MBe13 (M=La, Ce, Th), within the temperature range 3≤T≤350 K. Ten phonons are observed in UBe13, displaying symmetries 2A1g+4Eg+4T2g, consistent with predictions using the space- and site-group symmetries previously determined for this compound [space group Oh6 (Fm3c)]. In addition, electronic scattering is evident in our spectra, exhibiting the symmetry of the purely antisymmetric representation, T1g. Evidence suggests that this scattering results from localized excitations of the 5f electrons. Various interpretations of this scattering are discussed.