Dynamical structure factor for liquid bismuth

The scattering function S(Q,E) for liquid bismuth at 305°C has been determined by neutron inelastic scattering in the wave-vector transfer range 1.6<Q<7.2 Å1 and for energy transfers E up to about 20 meV. The measured S(Q,E) satisfies the zeroth- and the second-moment relations within some few percent. The shoulder in the static structure factor S(Q) gives rise to clearly visible effects also in the dynamical-scattering function. The full width at half maximum of S(Q,E) exhibits an oscillation at a Q value corresponding to the position of the shoulder. This fact together with some particular features in the same Q range regarding the experimentally obtained spectrum of the longitudinal current-current correlation function indicates that the nature of the molecular dynamics in liquid bismuth is different as compared with simple liquid metals.