Carrier in Cable

In order to meet future demands for high grade and economical circuits in cables, considerable carrier development work has been done which has included an extensive experimental installation on a 25-mile loop of underground cable. Sufficient pairs were provided in the cable and repeaters were installed to set up nine carrier telephone circuits 850 miles long. Tests on these circuits showed the quality of transmission to be satisfactory, while the methods and devices adopted to prevent interference between them were found to be adequate. The trial therefore has demonstrated that the obtaining of large numbers of carrier telephone circuits from cable is a practicable proposition. This paper is devoted largely to a description of the trial installation and an account of the experimental work which has been done in this connection. Due to present business conditions, it is expected that this method will not have immediate commercial application. This work is part of a general investigation of transmission systems which are characterized by the fact that each electrical path transmits a broad band of frequencies. Such systems offer important possibilities of economy particularly for routes carrying heavy traffic. The conducting circuit is non-loaded so that the velocity of transmission is much higher than present voice-frequency loaded cable circuits. This is particularly important for very long circuits where transmission delays tend to introduce serious difficulties.