Picosecond-resolution fluorescence lifetime measuring system with a cw laser and a radio

A procedure for measurement of fluorescence lifetimes with picosecond time resolution is described. A cw laser beam is modulated with a standing-wave acousto-optic modulator. The modulated beam is split; one part serves as a reference beam, the other part excites the fluorescent sample. The sample flourescence and the reference beam, attenuated and delayed optically to be equal in amplitude and opposite in phase to the fluorescence, are incident onto a single photomultiplier tube. The thus achieved photodetector ac null is monitored either by an AM radio, whose intermediate-frequency signal is displayed on an oscilloscope, or by a spectrum analyzer. With 30-MHz light modulation and the radio, lifetimes could be determined with resolution better than 15 ps. With the spectrum anlyzer and 170-MHz light modulation frequency we have achieved 4-ps lifetime resolution. Correction for photomultiplier transit time versus incident wavelength is made.