Inner-shell capture and ionization in collisions of H+, He2+, and Li3+ projectiles with neon and carbon

Theoretical methods used previously for H+, He2+, and C6+ collisions with neutral argon atoms have been applied to collisions of H+, He2+, and Li3+ projectiles with neon, and to collisions of H+ with carbon targets. The energy range covered by the calculations is 0.4 to 4.0 MeV/amu for the neon target, and 0.2 to 2.0 MeV/amu for carbon. We calculate single-electron amplitudes for target K-shell ionization and target K- and L-shell, to projectile K-shell, charge transfer. These single-electron amplitudes are used, in an independent-particle model that allows for multielectron processes, to compute K-shell vacancy production cross sections σVKIPM, and cross sections σC,VKIPM for producing a charge-transfer state of the projectile in the coincidence with a K-shell vacancy in the target. These cross sections are in reasonable agreement with the recent experiments of Rødbro et al. at Aarhus. In particular, the calculated, as well as the experimental, σC,VK scale with projectile nuclear charge Zp less strongly than the Zp5 of the Oppenheimer-Brinkman-Kramers (OBK) approximation. For He2+ and Li3+ projectiles at collision energies below where experimental data are available, our calculated multielectron corrections to the single-electron approximation for σC,VK are large.