Seventy-nine individuals representing all species of Raoulia, Ewartia, and Leucogenes, and selected species of Anaphalis, Cassinia, Gnaphalium, Helichrysum, Mniodes, and Pseudognaphalium, were scored for 165 morphological characters. Numerical phenetic analysis showed that, on the basis of overall morphological similarity, Raoulia encompasses two distinct groups worthy of generic rank, as well as several species of uncertain status. Preliminary indications for other genera in New Zealand are that Cassinia, Pseudognaphalium, and Anaphalis (which latter should include Helichrysum bellidioides) are distinct entities, while Helichrysum includes species of several genera, all outside Helichrysum sensu Hilliard & Burtt. Raoulia, Leucogenes, Ewartia, and part of both Gnaphalium sect. Euchiton and Helichrysum sect. Ozothamnus, form a suite of closely related genera.