Circumfila and other sense organs on the antenna of the sorghum midge (Diptera, Cecidomyiidae)

The antennal flagellum of the male sorghum midge is about a millimeter long and may bear over 500 sense organs. These consist of (1) tactile hairs, (2) thin-walled pegs, (3) circumfila and (4) very small pegs of unknown function. Each of the 12 subsegments of the flagellum is divided into two globular nodes and each of these is encircled by a circumfilum of from 6 to 14 loops. The circumfila are attached to the antennal surface by short stalks. The loops of the circumfila have the basic structure of thin-walled chemoreceptors: (1) very small pores in their delicate wall and (2) a lumen filled with branches of dendrites from sensory neurons. The outer surface of the circumfilum is covered with a labyrinth of fine ridges between which the pores are located. Some evidence was obtained that the circumfila are produced in the pupa by bifurcate trichogen cells. The flagellum of the female is shorter than that of the male and composed of 12 cylindrical subsegments. The circumfila of the female lie close to the surface to which they are attached by short stalks. Each is composed of two parts that encircle the subsegment and of two others that run lengthwise between the circles. The surface is nearly smooth, perforated by fine openings and lacks the complex pattern of ridges seen in the male. It also has more dendrite branches but, otherwise, has the same basic structure.

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