A High-Sensitivity Superconducting Detector

Weakly connected superconductors can function as very low power sensors by utilizing the coherence properties of superconductors. One configuration which has produced significant success incorporates a superconducting point contact and a small resistance element in a low‐inductance superconducting circuit. When the critical supercurrent (ic) of the point contact is of the order of φ0/L, (φ0=h/2e, L=inductance of the ring), that circuit exhibits coherent quantum behavior. Used as a parametric amplifier, it has been used to measure ultralow voltages, limited by the thermal noise fluctuations in the resistance element R. The voltage sensitivity is approximated by 8kTR0, where k is Boltzmann's constant and T the absolute temperature of the resistance R. We have measured 4×10−16 V across 1.7×10−10 Ω at 4.2°K with a signal‐to‐noise ratio approaching 10. The operation of this sensor follows from the Josephson oscillation of voltage‐biased superconducting point contacts. A dc voltage V0 across the resistance of the circuit produces an oscillating current at the angular frequency ωJ=2πV00 and an oscillating voltage across the point contact at ωJ. Upon supplying an rf or microwave current at frequency ωD, the point contact mixes ωJ and ωD. Using a homodyne detector at ωD of bandwidth larger than ωJ, we can retrieve the oscillation at ωJ. Direct measurement of this frequency ωJ yields V0. Such superconducting circuits may be useful as cryogenic thermometers, as thermal radiation sensors, and in low‐level spectroscopy.