In the course of my studies on the Microscopic Anatomy of Lichens, during the last fifteen years, I have frequently met with various more or less minute Parasites—mostly black and punctiform or papillæform—sometimes disciform or maculæform—affecting either the thallus or apothecia of lichens, or both thallus and apothecia. They grow equally on foliaceous and crustaceous lichens, especially of the following genera:—Parmelia; Physcia; Umbilicaria; Solorina; Peltidea; Nephromium; Sticta; Stereocaulon; Usnea; Neuropogon; Cladonia; Bæomyces; Squamaria; Placodium; Lecanora; Pertusaria; Thelotrema; Lecidea; Graphis; Endocarpon; Verrucaria.