Consumption of Leaf Litter by Lumbricus terrestris (Oligochaeta) on a Michigan Woodland Floodplain

The consumption rate of leaf litter by L. terretris (Oligochaeta) was studied from April through May 1981, on a Michigan woodland floodplain. Feeding chambers containing earthworms and leaf litter, which excluded soil microfauna, were placed on the floodplain. After 4 wk, earthworms consumed leaves equivalent in amount to 93.8% of the total annual leaf fall. The mean consumption rate was 11.0 mg dry weight leaves g-1 live weight earthworms day-1 for a 4-wk period with a maximum rate of 14.3 mg. The consumption rate of leaf litter by L. terrestris reported herein was similar to rates reported in other studies.