Sources of Variation in U. S. City Crime, 1950 and 1960

This article presents statistical materials bearing on the ques tion of whether the variation in city crime may be resolved into a relatively small number of statistical components which have a recognizable sociological meaning. Two basic series of data are included: (1) seven major offense rates and 28 social, econ nomic and demographic characteristics for U.S. cities, 100,000 and over, 1950; (2) seven major offense rates and 26 social, eco nomic, and demographic characteristics for U.S. cities, 100,000 and over, 1960. The intercorrelations among variables in each series are given, along with their respective loadings after rota tion on the first five factors as obtained by the method of prin cipal components. Partial correlations with age, sex, and num ber of inhabitants held constant and their principal factors are also given.