Proton Cross Sections ofBi209

The cross sections for the reactions Bi209(p, 2n)Po208, Bi209(p, n)Po209, and Bi209(p, γ)Po210 have been measured for proton energies up to 10.65 Mev. The threshold for the (p, 2n) reaction is 9.65 Mev (c.m.) which leads to a neutron binding energy for Bi210 of ≥ 4.59±0.14 Mev. The total cross section as a function of energy agrees with the theoretical calculations for a radius R=1.5A13×1013 cm. The energy dependence of the ratio of σ(p,2n)[σ(p,n)+σ(p,2n)] corresponds to a nuclear temperature of 4 Mev for Po209.