Sex pheromone ofPlanotortrix species found on mangrove

(Z)-5-Tetradecenyl acetate and tetradecyl acetate were identified as sex pheromone components of an unnamedPlanotortrix leafroller moth species found onAvicennia resinifera (mangrove). An equal mixture of the two compounds used as bait gave field trap catches at least as good as those baited with caged virgin females. Traps baited with the two chemicals caught malePlanotortrix moths in a mangrove swamp not previously found to host the unnamedPlanotortrix species. Adults of the unnamedPlanotortrix species and of the greenheaded leafroller,Planotortrix excessana are morphologically indistinguishable. The sex pheromone ofP. excessana has been found previously to be a mixture of (Z)-S-tetradecenyl acetate and tetradecyl acetate, and this means that the two species may now be distinguished by sex pheromone differences.