Zooplankton and Potential Fish Production in Lake Ontario

We calculated the annual production of epilimnetic crustacean zooplankton in Lake Ontario from data on the abundance of each species and its eggs, and from predictions of egg development times. Bosmina longirostris is the most productive species at the nearshore stations whereas Diacyclops thomasi is the most productive offshore. Total crustacean zooplankton production is fairly uniform throughout the lake, both nearshore and offshore, with the possible exception of somewhat reduced production at the western end of the lake. Average total production was estimated at 15 g∙m−2∙yr−1. Using a recent estimate of particle-size-conversion efficiency in Lake Ontario, obtained from data on contaminant concentrations in aquatic biota, we predicted potential fish production in the lake for various sizes of fish. From published data on the commercial fish harvest from 1910 to 1930, a time period when commercial production was at a maximum, we estimate that the past commercial harvest for pelagic species may have been 20% or more of our predicted potential production.