Turnover and Nature of Fecal Bile Acids in Germfree and Infected Rats Fed Cholic Acid-24-14C. Bile Acids and Steroids 41.

Labeled cholic acid was given to normal and germ-free rats and to a germ-free rat infected with Aspergillus niger, and then with Clostridium perfringens. In the germ-free rats and in the one with controlled infection cholic acid had a half-life of 5.2-11.5 days as compared to about 2 days in normal rats. Germ-free rats excreted taurocholic acid in the feces as did the rat infected with the mold. Infection with Clostridium brought about partial hydrolysis of the peptide bond, while rats in normal environments excreted a variety of degradation products.