The developmental sequence and subsequent release of the herpes simplex virus have been extensively studied by many investigators. Results by Morgan et al. (1959), Shipkey et al. (1967), Nii, Morgan & Rose (1968) have clearly shown that the naked nucleocapsids first appear in the nucleus of infected cells. Envelopment of the nucleocapsids occurred most frequently at the inner lamellae of the nuclear membrane and to a lesser extent at the membrane of cytoplasmic vacuoles (Nii et al. 1968). However, the mechanism of virus release is still controversial. Epstein (1962) described virus budding at the cell surface while Morgan et al. (1959) believed that viruses were released by the process of ‘reverse phagocytosis’. Recently, Schwartz & Roizman (1969) demonstrated the presence of cytoplasmic tubules which transported the enveloped nucleocapsids from perinuclear cisternae into the extracellular fluid. The entry of the infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) virus into the susceptible host cell has been previously reported (Zee & Talens, 1971).