The Determination of Formaldehyde, Acrolein, and Low Molecular Weight Aldehydes in Industrial Emissions on a Single Collection Sample

Formaldehyde, acrolein, and low molecular weight aldehydes are collected in 1% NaHSO3 solution in Greenberg-Smith or midget impingers from industrial effluents. Efficiency of collection is excellent when two impingers are used in series. Formaldehyde is measured in an aliquot of the collection medium by the chromo-tropic acid procedure, acrolein by a modified mercuric-chloride-hexylresorcinol procedure, and C2-C5 aldehydes by a gas chromatographic procedure. The method permits the analysis of all C1-C5 aldehydes on a single collection sample. Data on aldehyde concentrations from a variety of effluents are presented.