Isobaric Analog States inCl35

The γ-ray yield from the S34(p, γ)Cl35 reaction shows strong resonances at proton energies of 1214 and 1512 keV. These resonance states occur at the correct energies to be isobaric analogs of the 1.99- and 2.35-MeV states in S35, respectively. Angular-distribution, triple-correlation, and polarization measurements have been performed at each of these resonances. The 1214-keV resonance, which corresponds to an excitation energy of 7.54 MeV in Cl35, has spin and parity of 72, and decays almost entirely to the 3.16-MeV level, which was also found to have spin and parity of 72. The transition is pure Ml and has a measured strength of 1.6±0.3 Weisskopf units (W.u.). The 1512-keV resonance, which corresponds to an excitation energy of 7.84 MeV, has a spin and parity of 32, and decays strongly to the 4.17-MeV level, which was found to be a 32 state. This transition is also pure Ml with a strength of 1.0±0.3 W.u. The value of θp2 is about 0.2 for both the 1214-keV and the 1512-keV resonance, which compares favorably with the value of θp2=13 calculated for the pure single-nucleon f72, T=32 and p32, T=32 configurations respectively. This agrees with the large (d, p) stripping width of the analog states at 1.99 and 2.35 MeV in S35. The levels at 3.16 and 4.17 MeV appear to be of the same configuration as the corresponding resonance states, and to differ only in isobaric spin, having T=12. Values for the reduced widths, energies, and isobaric-spin splitting of the T> and T< states, and for the Ml transition speeds assuming pure single-nucleon states, have been calculated and are in good agreement with observed values.